Wisconsin Rapids City Band      
Conductor: Keith Olson        
Band Events
Band Info
Organizational Details
Band Funding
Contact Us
Support Us
Band Sponsors

Contact Us

Do you have any questions concerning the band that you would like answered or some information you would like to share with us? Want to make some comments? Would you like to discuss the band, contribute to it or make some fund raising suggestions?

It's easy to contact us. We can easily be reached by phone, regular mail or e-mail and we'd like to hear from you.

Phone us at (715) 421-3115.
Mail us a letter addressed to: PO Box 982, Wisconsin Rapids WI 54495.
Send us an e-mail at CityBand@wrcityband.org
Support the Band by becoming a Band Sponsor. There are numerous opportunities for sponsorship. Call Mary Beth Rokus at (715) 421-3115 or write her at PO Box 982, Wisconsin Rapids WI 54495 to learn more.

Want information about becoming a band member and playing with the band? Pick up a phone and talk with our band conductor: Keith Olson at (715) 254-7228.